On May 16, 2024, one of the largest and most famous universities in the Kursk region, Southwest State University, celebrated its 60th anniversary. A large number of guests from different countries, representatives of Embassies, of partner universities, representatives of local administration, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia and various companies cooperating with Southwest State University were invited to the celebration.
During the celebration, representatives of Southwest State University and its foreign partners signed a great number of cooperation agreements, which will help students from different countries to study at Southwest State University and will help implement student exchange.

At the beginning of the celebration, rector of the university gave a congratulatory speech:
“Dear colleagues and friends!
Today is a special day for everyone whose life is connected with Southwest State University. Sixty years ago our beloved university which was the Kursk Polytechnical Institute at that time opened its doors to the first students. Over the past six decades we have achieved a lot and continue to move forward confidently carefully preserving the best traditions inherited from our predecessors who created and developed the university.
On this significant day, I would like to thank the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia, the Government of the Kursk Region, Russian and foreign colleagues, partners and friends around the world for supporting our initiatives and participating in the implementation of joint projects.
I would like to say special words of gratitude to the staff of Southwest State University for their huge contribution to the comprehensive improvement of the quality of education, scientific discoveries and achievements. And, of course, many thanks to our students and graduates who confirm again and again by their success in studies, creativity, sports and professional careers that Youth and Knowledge are a Guarantee of Success!
Happy anniversary, Southwest State University! Happy anniversary, the best university!”

The celebrations were concluded by song and dance which was performed by the universtiy students which showcased the Universities diversity and inclusivity of various countries.
Reporter: S. Singh, Images: SWSU.