A representative of China performs at the interuniversity festival of national cultures “World” in OmSTU



A representative of China performs at the interuniversity festival of national cultures “World” in OmSTU

Students from different Russian universities were able to get acquainted with the national traditions of their classmates from other countries

Omsk State Technical University (OmSTU), a partner of TV BRICS, became a venue for the inter-university festival of national cultures “World”. Students from different universities were able to get acquainted with the national traditions of people from other countries, show their creative abilities and join the strengthening of cultural interaction between the peoples whose representatives study in educational institutions of the city and the region.

Among the tasks of the cultural event are the formation and development of the idea of unity and friendship of peoples, preservation of respect and interest to the rich diversity of cultures and national traditions, to historical heritage and values, strengthening of creative ties between students, support and development of traditions of interuniversity creative events.

The festival was attended by students from 12 universities – OmSTU, OmGPU, SibGUFK, OmGMU, RANEPA, SibADI, OmGAU, OMA of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Omsk Institute of Water Transport, OMGA, OmGUPS and OmSU.

The programme included numbers representing Uzbek, Chinese, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, German and Russian cultures: songs, playing musical instruments, dances, poems and plays. All of them revealed the national peculiarities of each speaker’s country. Creative numbers were performed in the native languages of the participants, which allowed both participants and spectators to immerse themselves in the culture presented.

Omsk State Technical University was represented at the festival by a student Sun Xiaoqian from China. She performed with an expressive number “Letter to the beloved”, with the help of which she told about the peculiarities of her country’s culture, expressed her gratitude to the polytechnic and her love for China.

“I decided to perform at the festival because I thought that as a Polytechnic student, I should do something for the university. As a Chinese woman, it is my pleasure to spread my country’s culture. My number is about the love of young people in ancient China. Between peoples, besides admiration for each other, there are also many prejudices. Holding such an event will help people to change the idea of other nations, eliminate misunderstandings and promote friendship,”– said Sun XiaoQian, a student of the Faculty of Information Technologies and Computer Systems of OmSTU.

The festival ended with the number “We are one” from OmSTU. Together with students of the polytechnic all the participants went on stage for the final performance.

Omsk State Technical University is a participant of the federal programme of strategic academic leadership “Priority 2030”, the winner of the basic part of the grant. The priority areas of the university’s development are research in microelectronics, space technologies and creative industries.

The Priority 2030 programme will concentrate resources to ensure the contribution of Russian universities to the achievement of national development goals of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030, increase the scientific and educational potential of universities and research organisations, and ensure the participation of higher education institutions in the socio-economic development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Its main goal is to form a broad group of universities that will become leaders in the creation of new scientific knowledge, technologies and developments for implementation in the Russian economy and social sphere.

Photo: OmSTU




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