All about innovations in Russia from 1 May



All about innovations in Russia from 1 May

Several new rules and laws will come into effect

Bank transfer limits increased

On 1 May, five laws will come into force in Russia that will affect various aspects of citizens’ lives. The first change concerns the increase of the monthly limit of transfers through the Prompt Payment System (PPS) to 30 million roubles (US$321 600).

Increase in fines in the tour industry

The country will also increase the financial security of tour operators’ liability in the field of outbound tourism. Earlier it was 10 million roubles, from May it will reach 25 million roubles (US$268 000). According to the authors of the initiative, this measure should motivate market players to fulfil their obligations to clients.

Innovations on the data of regime objects

From the next month, the Unified State Register of Immovable Property (USRN) will be able to withdraw data related to regime objects. This should contribute to the protection of state secrets. In addition, the excise tax rate on wine, wine drinks and fruit alcoholic products will increase. It will amount to 108 rubles per litre (US$1,16).

Ban on the involvement of debt collectors for some organisations

From May 3, the list of organisations and persons who will not be able to attract debt collectors to recover debts of Russians for housing and communal services will be expanded. If earlier it was allowed including management companies, soon it will remain the prerogative of only social housing tenants.

Genome collection for search of missing persons

From 15 May, relatives of missing persons will be obliged to undergo genomic registration. The data will be stored until the missing person is located, but not for more than 70 years.





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