At the meeting of the Russian-African Club of MSU the possibilities of application of AI in mass media were discussed



At the meeting of the Russian-African Club of MSU the possibilities of application of AI in mass media were discussed

The Russian Federation and Africa have ample opportunities to develop this important sphere

A regular meeting of the Association of Russian and African Journalists of the Russian-African Club of Lomonosov Moscow State University was held at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow University. The meeting was held within the framework of the XV International Scientific Readings in Moscow “Mass Media and Communications–2023.

TV BRICS was the media partner of the event.

The club meeting was opened by Elena Vartanova, Dean of the Faculty of Journalism at Lomonosov Moscow State University. In her welcoming speech, she said that it was not the first time that the Faculty of Journalism had opened its doors to the Russian-African Club meetings, where expert opinions are exchanged and decisions are made.

In his speech at the meeting, Oleg Ozerov, Chairman of the Board of the Russian-African Club of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Ambassador at Large of the Russian Foreign Ministry and Head of the Secretariat of the Russia-Africa Forum noted the importance of the theme of the meeting. According to him, the uncertainty observed in the media is primarily due to the global change of epochs in international relations that is taking place before our eyes, when the formation of a polycentric world has begun.

In continuation of the session, Louis Gowend, Director of the Department for Work with African Diasporas and Media of the Russian-African Club, drew attention to the acute lack of information in Russia and African countries about each other.

The speaker from Togo Yves Ekoue Amaizo, PhD, Director of the Think Tank for Afrology, spoke about the possibilities of applying big data and artificial intelligence (AI) in media and journalism. According to the expert, Russia and Africa have great opportunities in the development of this important sphere. He proposed to create an analytical, information and research structure to help both the media and government authorities in Russia and Africa to make serious decisions.

Zenebe Kinfu Tafesse, President of the Union of African Diasporas, President of the Ethiopian Diaspora in the Russian Federation, Head of the scientific discussion platform of the Russian-African Club of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, dwelt in his speech on the problem of professional training of young personnel in journalism for African countries.

Head of the Sudanese Diaspora in Moscow Dr Abbas Ifsir expressed the opinion that the main component of both the media and “soft power” is personnel. Russia, according to the speaker, has a large pool of personnel from among graduates of Soviet and Russian universities. However, as the speaker noted, this potential is not sufficiently utilised.

Concluding the session, Alexander Berdnikov, Executive Secretary of the Russian-African Club, emphasised that the creation of new Russian-African media platforms uniting journalists from the two regions is an example of cooperation with civil society in our countries.

Photo: Lomonosov Moscow State University Russian-African Club




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