Bangladesh and India call cyber security training



Experts from Bangladesh and India call for more cyber security training

Cyber-Maitree 2023 profile event is being held in Dhaka⁠

Bangladeshi and Indian cybersecurity experts emphasised the importance of continuous technology training to protect the digital space from today’s rapidly growing cyber attacks and threats.

Gathering in Dhaka for the Cyber-Maitree 2023 event, the experts pointed out the need for greater collaboration to share knowledge and expertise in exercises on cyber resilience, network vulnerability, cyber risk assessment and awareness.

Directing tasks in this direction can greatly enhance the potential for effective countermeasures, IT event participants agreed.

Bangladesh sector representative Shamsul Arefin described Cyber-Maitree 2023 as a shining example of cooperation between the governments of Bangladesh and India. This will serve as a platform for knowledge sharing, capacity building and international cooperation in the field of cyber security.

According to him, the meeting, which will end tomorrow, will enrich and build capacity to counter cyber attacks and threats.

Samir Sarma, senior director of India’s Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT), recognised that as countries’ dependence on cyberspace grows, so does the number of threats in the digital world. He supported the need for increased preparedness as critical information infrastructures, energy systems, banks and utilities are connected to the internet, as reported by Prensa Latina, a partner of TV BRICS.





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