Bolivia wants to join BRICS



Bolivia wants to join BRICS

Russia, as the chairing country of BRICS this year, supports Bolivia’s aspirations

Bolivia hopes to join BRICS. This statement was made by the country’s Foreign Minister Celinda Sosa Lunda during a joint press conference with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. This is reported by the official website of This was reported by the official
website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

“We, Bolivia and our president, have expressed interest and desire to become part of BRICS,” she said.

According to the head of Sosa Lunda, Bolivia has received support from BRICS member countries on the South American country’s possible entry into the association. She concluded by expressing hope that Bolivia will join BRICS soon.

“BRICS represents an initiative and an alternative where member countries can contribute to a more just and equal development around the world,” Sosa emphasised.

Lavrov noted that Russia, as the chairing country of BRICS this year, supports Bolivia’s aspirations. Moscow is interested in receiving a positive response from as many countries as possible that want to become members of the association or establish partnerships with it.

Earlier, Sri Lanka announced its desire to join BRICS.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs




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