Brazil’s wage increase campaign is showing results



Brazil’s wage increase campaign is showing results

Among the areas of activity, industry demonstrated the largest number of agreements with salary increases

Among the sectors with the highest number of agreements with increases was industry, as reported by
Brasil 247, a partner of TV BRICS.

The 2023 wage increase campaigns continue to show a positive trend: to date, 78.1% of the agreements concluded have wage adjustments above the inflation rate.

Analysing the data, it became known that the most number of agreements with wage increases was industry – 83.7%.

Thus, between January and September, the average of the 13,216 wage levels analysed was R$1,626.52 (about US$326), 23% higher than the official minimum wage of R$1,320 (about US$264).

Comparing wages by sector, it was found that the highest average wage was recorded in the service sector at R$1,656.81 (about US$332) and the lowest in rural areas at R$1,551.85 (about US$311).





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