Hangzhou named China’s most livable city in 2023



Hangzhou named China’s most livable city in 2023

The city with its three UNESCO World Heritage Sites and 52 museums has become a significant cultural centre

Hangzhou, capital of East China’s Zhejiang Province, has been recognised as China’s most livable city at the China Happy City Forum 2023. This is reported by the city’s
official website.

Hangzhou’s districts of Fuyang, Gongshu and Lin’an were noted as the most livable. This is the 17th year that Hangzhou has received this honour.

Natural beauty combines in Hangzhou with cultural landscapes, creating a combination of economic prosperity and human development.

The colourful scenery hides the city’s efforts to preserve the environment, adhering to the philosophy that “clear waters and high mountains are priceless wealth”. In addition, Hangzhou, with its three UNESCO World Heritage Sites and 52 museums, has become a cultural centre.

Hangzhou is a city rich in history and culture, combining international flavour and technological innovation. It has been awarded the status of “China’s Most Attractive City for Foreign Talent” for 13 consecutive years.





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