Opera soloists from China to perform on the stage of the Russian theatre



Opera soloists from China to perform on the stage of the Russian theatre

This event is a vivid example of interregional cooperation between Russian regions and Chinese provinces

On Tuesday, 12 September, a press conference dedicated to the visit of Chinese artists to Omsk was held in the press centre of “Eurasia Today” with the support of the International Media Network TV BRICS. Soloists and conductor representing the Changsha Conservatory will perform on 15 September at 18:30 at the gala concert in honour of the opening of the 77th season at the Musical Theatre.

This event is a vivid example of interregional cooperation between Russian regions and provinces of China and the friendship between the peoples of the two countries. Such cultural exchanges, being a priority area of humanitarian cooperation, contribute to the growth of mutual understanding between peoples.

In June, a group of soloists from the Omsk Musical Theatre went on tour to the Celestial Empire under the aegis of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and China. The artists performed leading roles in Giuseppe Verdi’s opera “La Traviata” and performed at a gala concert at the Meixihu International Arts Centre in Changsha. Following the results of the visit, a memorandum of cooperation was signed between the parties, and now the musical theatre is hosting its colleagues for a return visit. This will consolidate steps in the development of international cooperation, which is one of the theatre’s priorities at the moment.

“At the moment we are thinking over ways of further cooperation with the Chinese side. In the coming years, we would like to send the theatre’s ballet troupe on tour as well, as the management of Hunan University of Technology and Business plans to open a department of choreography and ballet. And now we are happy to host our colleagues from China, which our artists have performed with on the same stage. We want our guests to get acquainted with our city in addition to their work. We will try to show the best and most interesting things”, said Nelli But, Director of the Omsk Musical Theatre.

Maestro Xiao Ming, one of the outstanding figures of culture and musical art of China, and opera soloists Li Saning (soprano), Wang Huan (soprano), Qiu Sanyu (soprano) and Li Cheng (baritone) will take part in the gala concert.

Qiu Xianyu will perform an excerpt from Webber’s opera “The Phantom of the Opera”. Li Cheng will be heard in the duet of Susanna and Count from the opera “The Marriage of Figaro” with Elena Bilyk. Wang Huan will perform Casta diva, Norma’s cavatina from Vincenzo Bellini’s opera “Norma” and the Chinese song “Moonlight”. Li Saning will perform a fragment from Gounod’s opera “Romeo and Juliet” (Je veux vivre dans ce rêve) and the Chinese folk song “A Wonderful Glass of Wine”.

The guest performances from China do not end there. On Wednesday, 20 September, Li Saning will once again shine on the Omsk stage and perform the leading role in a production of Giuseppe Verdi’s opera “La Traviata”.

Xiao Ming is Principal Conductor, Director and Executive President of the Changshan Symphony Orchestra and a member of the China Symphony Association. He made his debut at a concert hall in Beijing with the China Radio Symphony Orchestra. Xiao Ming, as guest conductor of this orchestra, gave a series of successful concerts in the United States and Australia.

Li Cheng studied opera performance at the Opera Institute of Peking University. He took lessons from the world-famous singer Professor Haijing Fu. Over the past ten years in China and abroad he has performed the roles of Figaro in Mozart’s “The Marriage of Figaro”, Betto in Puccini’s “Gianni Schicchi”, Leporello in Mozart’s “Don Giovanni” and many others.

Wang Huan won first place in the distribution of the 14th National “Golden Bell” Music Award (Liaoning Region). At the 5th Liaoning Region Music “Golden Bell” Vocal Music Competition, she won the Second Prize. Finalist of the 10th National Music Award “Golden Bell”. In 2014, she won the second prize at the China Auditions for the Alcamo International Vocal Music Competition and won the second prize at the All-China Vocal Competition “Peacock Award” among institutions of higher education in the arts.

Qiu Xiangyu participated in a concert organised by Wuhan Conservatory of Music in 2013, performing at six colleges and universities including Huazhong Agricultural University and Wuhan College of Engineering. She has also performed leading roles in musicals such as “Mamma Mia”, “Les Miserables” and “Phantom of the Opera”.

Photo: Ilya Petrov, IA “Omsk Zdes'”




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