Over 250 experts took part in the International / China Commodity Fair 2023



Over 250 experts took part in the International / China Commodity Fair 2023

The international event was dedicated to the development of trade and economic co-operation between Russia, CIS and Asia

The capital’s Expocentre hosts an international exhibition of consumer goods
International / China Commodity Fair 2023, dedicated to the development of trade and economic cooperation between Russia, the CIS, Asia and other countries.

TV BRICS Media Network was the media partner of the event.

For the seventh time at the international business forum, invited representatives of major trading companies, regions, marketplaces, and trade associations will come together to discuss cooperation with foreign suppliers, work on marketplaces, current promotion tools, entering foreign markets, logistics and certification of goods.

Pavel Ustyuzhaninov, Head of the Centre for Strategic Development of the Russian-Chinese Chamber, gave an exclusive comment on the TV BRICS international network: “We have tried to present expert reports at the forum, which will actively educate Russian executives about the opportunities of Chinese production, organisation of joint ventures in the Russian Federation, as well as supplying new machinery and technical products to Russia”.

Shi Yunhong, vice-chairman of the Chinese part of the Russian-Chinese Chamber (China), told TV BRICS that the factors that now support the development of mutual trade will continue to exist in the future.

“I think in five years, trade will grow to 300 billion US dollars. And in ten years it will reach 400 billion US dollars,” Shi Yunhong said.

In turn, Sergey Krasilnikov, vice-president and managing director of the International Bilateral Cooperation Department of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, said that China is opening its pork market for Russia.

“It turns out that there is an opportunity to export Russian pork to the Chinese market. And the Chinese pork market is probably the largest in the world. For poultry, such a decision was made several years ago,” he said.

Vladimir Padalko, Vice President of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, mentioned the technological capabilities of domestic enterprises: “As for spare parts, they can and should be produced on the territory of the Russian Federation. That is why at this exhibition a whole complex of enterprises presented the types of equipment that can be used to make these spare parts”.

It should be noted that more than 250 experts took part in the International / China Commodity Fair 2023.





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