Public space for development of drone industry and private space opens in Russian capital



Public space for development of drone industry and private space opens in Russian capital

The specialised “Boiling Point” will become a platform for events, meetings, negotiations

“Boiling Point”, a co-working space dedicated to the development of the drone industry and private space, opened in Moscow. It was organised by the ANO NTI Platform, the NTI Project Support Fund and University 2035. TV BRICS is the general media partner of “Boiling Point”.

The site is expected to host engineering teams, scientific and educational institutions, as well as companies involved in drone manufacturing, private space, development and implementation of artificial intelligence solutions.

According to the organisers’ plan, the “Boiling Point” will host events to jointly shape the architecture of a seamless digital sky, sessions aimed at consolidating the opinions of key industry representatives, formulating new ideas and overcoming existing technological and regulatory barriers. In addition, it will be possible to organise meetings and negotiations with foreign partners, primarily from BRICS countries, to attract investment and finance projects for the development of private space, the unmanned aircraft systems industry of the national UAS project.

The site has 14 meeting zones and halls, allowing to hold events with participation of up to 300 people at a time.

ANO NTI Platform takes part in the implementation of the national project “Unmanned Aviation Systems” (UAS) and in the work of the Presidium of the Government Commission on UAS to fulfil the instructions of the Russian President. As a result of the national project activities, the number of Russian UASs should increase from 11,700 in 2024 to 32,500 in 2030, and the number of regions equipped with unified infrastructure for flight support – from 3 to 89 over the same period. In addition, the national project envisages the training of at least 100,000 new employees for various areas of UAS development and application as early as 2024, and by 2030 their number should increase to 1 million. Hundreds of companies – manufacturers and operators of unmanned aerial vehicles – are involved in the implementation of the national project.

“Boiling Point” is focused on working both with initiatives that have already received the attention of the government, society and investors (unmanned aviation systems and private space) and with new initiatives dedicated to biotechnology and food security.

The space was opened by Dmitry Peskov, special representative of the Russian president for Digital and Technological Development and CEO of the Autonomous Nonprofit Organisation NTI Platform, Vadim Medvedev, CEO of the NTI Foundation and Rector of the University 2035, Dionis Gordin, Director for Technological Sovereignty of the NTI Platform, Ruslan Kirichek, Rector of the Bonch-Bruevich St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications, Igor Ishchuk, Head of the Department (Selection and Implementation of Innovative Technologies) of the Russian Defence Ministry, Natalya Zavyalova, Head of the Radar Algorithms Research Laboratory at MIPT, and others.

At the sessions on drone technologies, experts discussed the issues of building a unified sky architecture for the use of drones in solving tasks of socio-economic development, as well as the use of artificial intelligence in the creation and operation of drones.

In addition, on 13 March, a strategic session “Human Plus, or Where the Biotechnologist should Run to” was held, during which experts discussed the prospects, technological directions and ethical principles of biotechnology development necessary to improve the quality of life of modern man. Leaders of the Human Plus track have designed a platform of the same name at the upcoming “Archipelago 2024” design and education intensives. Experts plan to prepare the basis for launching a large-scale project aimed at the development of biotechnology and its introduction into everyday life.

Today in Russia there are 180 “Boiling Points” – spaces of collective work, where one can discuss initiatives, projects and meet with experts. More than 1.6 million participants attended “Boiling Points” for 2023, a 14.5 per cent increase over last year. In total, more than 41,000 events were held during the year.

“Archipelago” is an annual project and educational intensive for individual participants, startups, regions and universities that develop projects in the field of new technologies. In 2024 Archipelago will be held in the Sakhalin region from 10 to 21 July. The main venues for the event will be Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and the Pushisty aerodrome in the Korsakov district.





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