Russian-Brazilian Centre at RSUH



Russian-Brazilian Centre at RSUH contributes to the development of relations between the two countries in the cultural and humanitarian sphere

A solemn meeting dedicated to the opening of a new university point of attraction took place in the Academic Council Hall of RSUH

The Russian State University for the Humanities (RSUH) held a solemn meeting dedicated to the opening of the RSUH International Russian-Brazilian Centre.

In an exclusive commentary to TV BRICS, Professor Alexander Bezborodov, Rector of RSUH, said that the meeting of the Academic Council and the opening of the International Russian-Brazilian Centre is an extraordinary event.

“I think this is a certain milestone in humanitarian cooperation between the BRICS countries and a notable phenomenon. One cannot pass by such events. We have been preparing for the opening for quite a long period of time – a year and a half. Scientific and educational centres do not just appear in universities; they always have a very serious background – study of the Brazilian version of the Portuguese language, exchange of cultural missions, the visit of students and heads of Brazilian higher education institutions to the Russian Federation. And vice versa, the Russian delegation came to the South American country”

Alexander Bezborodov Rector of RSUH

He added that it is also important to take into account the interests of the students themselves, how involved they are in this subject today. According to the Rector of RSUH, the study of opinions has shown that young people are really interested in this direction.

“They will not only study in this centre, but also spend their free time, which means that they will devote themselves to cultural studies with great enthusiasm. If students from Brazil come to us, and ours, accordingly, will go to the University of Rio de Janeiro or several other universities in other major cities – it will be a great boon for our cooperation, including within the BRICS framework.”

In turn, Alexei Seredin, deputy director of the Latin American Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry, stressed that the opening of the Russian-Brazilian International Centre at RSUH will significantly enrich the palette of Russian-Brazilian ties in the cultural and humanitarian sphere.

“They are now already developing quite actively. It’s sufficient to say that we are implementing such major projects as the first foreign school of the Bolshoi Theatre. In 2022, a Russian-Brazilian bilingual intercultural school in Rio de Janeiro has been established, a number of other projects are being covered. There is active cooperation between universities. Therefore, the opening of the centre will contribute to sealing the fabric of interaction between our countries,” said Seredin.

He added that Russian-Brazilian cooperation is on the rise, with relations between the two countries characterised as a strategic partnership.

“We are actively interacting in the international arena. Our views are united in terms of creating a more symmetrical architecture of world relations. We actively cooperate on international platforms – BRICS, G20, in the UN Security Council,” said the deputy director of the Latin American Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

Varvara Kuznetsova, Director of the Russian-Brazilian Centre of the Russian State University spoke about the features and tasks of the new centre: “The Russian-Brazilian Centre is the first of its kind, focused not only on research, but also on working with non-linguistic areas of study. That is, our task is both scientific and educational. We want to involve students in the Brazilian orbit so that the culture of Latin American countries becomes as clear and close to us as the culture of European countries, considering that communication with them is becoming a very important part of our lives”.

TV BRICS International Media Network initiated information interaction with educational institutions in the BRICS and BRICS+ countries in order to promote new integration mechanisms of cooperation between the BRICS countries in the field of education and enlightenment through the media.

TV BRICS has been consistently developing cooperation with universities in the BRICS+ countries, including those that are members of the BRICS Network University. Today, TV BRICS cooperates with more than 20 higher education institutions in the five countries.

Photo: RSUH




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