Russian scientists have created a therapeutic nanoemulsion based on pine needle extracts



Russian scientists have created a therapeutic nanoemulsion based on pine needle extracts

The medicine will be able to fight not only seasonal diseases, but also epidemics

Prophylactic agent against most modern viruses will be produced on an industrial scale. Spruce contains a lot of useful cpmponents: healing essential oils, vitamins, various micro- and macroelements.

The medicine was created in the Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics in the Pushchino science city near Moscow. It is expected that the medicine will be able to fight not only seasonal diseases, but also epidemics.

“We have conducted a huge amount of research and realised that this emulsion has an amazing property – it activates immunity and makes it possible to prevent infection,” said Irina Fadeeva, the head of the laboratory of biomedical technologies at the Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The main active ingredients of the new drug are terpenoids. They are a part of the essential oils of fir, cedar and pine. According to experts, with their help trees fight pests and unfavourable environmental impact. Now terpenoids will be able to protect human health.

As experts in the field of biomedicine say, clinical trials of the new drug were successful. Useful properties of nanoemulsion can be preserved for several years.

The most reliable way to use nanoemulsion will be an injection, because it can quickly activate the immune defence. It could also be used in skin care. This is reported by TV BRICS.





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