Volunteers of the Ambassadors of the Russian language in the world programme hold classes in Tajikistan



Volunteers of the Ambassadors of the Russian language in the world programme hold classes in Tajikistan

The educational and awareness-raising expedition lasted a week

Volunteers held playful classes in several schools in Dushanbe, and the Ambassadors of the Russian language also organised meetings with students of the Sotim Ulugzod Tajik International University of Foreign Languages.

To date, the volunteers have visited 19 countries and conducted classes for more than 48,000 people. Eurasia Today and TV BRICS are the media partners of the project.

Ambassador of the Russian language Anna Soboleva said that the event aroused great interest:

“The programme is of great interest to both children and teachers. We very much hope that our classes will help them to discover new corners of the Russian soul and Russian culture,” said Anna Soboleva.

Yulia Karmanova, the expedition organiser, shared her expectations from the trip:

“… We hope that the participants of the programme will fall in love with the Russian language and culture and will remember with nostalgia the time spent with the Russian language ambassadors”, – stressed the expedition organiser Yulia Karmanova.

Schoolchildren from the city of Vahdat also took part in the event:

“This time we had a chance to work with both schoolchildren and students, from whom we noticed a genuine interest not only in the Russian language, but also in our interactive methodology,” said programme methodologist Varvara Filippova.

The project was initiated by the Pushkin State Russian Language Institute in 2015. The educational and awareness-raising expedition “Ambassadors of the Russian language in the world ” is supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

Photo: “Ambassadors of the Russian language in the world “




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