BRICS News Digest for the previous week



BRICS News Digest for the previous week

We tell you about what happened in economics, politics, culture, science and education in the countries of the association

According to preliminary data, Vladimir Putin is in lead in Russian presidential election

The last polling stations have closed


Voting in the presidential election has ended in Russia. It started on Friday, 15 March, and lasted three days.

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Brazilian authorities call on UN to assist in creation of Global Alliance Against Hunger

Brazilian minister Wellington Dias revealed details of the initiative to UN Under-Secretary-General Amina Mohammed

Brazil’s Minister of Development and Social Assistance, Family and Hunger Wellington Dias, during a meeting with UN Under-Secretary General Amina Mohammed, spoke about the proposal to create a Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty. 

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Head of Russian Ministry of Justice and BRICS ambassadors discuss creation of platform for sectoral co-operation

The task of the Council of Justice Ministers of the alliance is to strengthen co-operation in the legal sphere

Russian Minister of Justice Konstantin Chuychenko at a meeting with ambassadors of the BRICS countries proposed to form a permanent body for legal cooperation.

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Number of startups in India rises to 100,000

India has the third largest startup ecosystem in the world

The authorities now support 100,000 startups and 113 unicorn companies (firms whose capitalisation has exceeded US$1 billion in a short period of time) established in the country. 

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Chinese authorities to take measures to raise level of basic education

This was announced by the Minister of Education of the People’s Republic of China

China intends to take measures to modernise basic education and improve its quality.

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South Africa’s Sherpa to BRICS: 34 more countries express interest in joining bloc of major emerging economies

African countries show the greatest interest in joining the alliance

South Africa’s Sherpa to BRICS Anil Sooklal said Russia was already accepting applications to join the grouping after becoming the group’s chair this year.

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Representatives of Egypt and China discuss establishment of joint industrial zone

It will be located on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea

Egyptian Minister of Trade and Industry Ahmed Samir met with acting Chinese Ambassador to Cairo Zhang Tao to discuss the establishment of a Chinese industrial zone on the Mediterranean coast

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Iranian authorities announce numerous cultural events this year

One of the landmark events will be the Tehran Arts Festival

Iran will host numerous art and cultural festivals during the upcoming year dedicated to Persian culture, said Ali Forouzanfar, Director of the General Directorate of Culture and Guidance.

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Saudi Arabia increases number of service quality inspections in hospitality industry

This is due to the growing number of pilgrims in Mecca and Medina

Saudi Tourism Minister Ahmed Al-Khateeb has decided to increase the number of inspections in the hospitality industry in Mecca and Medina during the month of Ramadan. 

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Leaders of UAE and Uzbekistan discuss multifaceted co-operation between countries

They also exchanged congratulations on the beginning of the month of Ramadan

President of the United Arab Emirates Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan held telephone talks with President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev. 

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Ethiopia develops strategy for medical tourism development

This was noted in a statement by the Ministry of Health

During the three-day Ethio Health Exhibition Ministry of Health Senior Advisor Esayas Mesele said that the government is focusing on making Ethiopia a centre for medical tourism.

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