Heilongjiang ceramics are a special part of China’s tradition



Heilongjiang ceramics are a special part of China’s tradition

Heilongjiang ceramics are different from other types of Chinese ceramics and have their own unique look and history

Over the centuries, different cultures such as Xinkailiu, Bohai and Jinyuan, have contributed their unique traditions to ceramic art.

Shangjing Ceramics combines the cultural characteristics of Susheng and Bohai with the “ice and snow” elements of Heilongjiang, creating a delicate balance between tradition and innovation. It is made using local kaolin and dry larch branches from Xing’an Province as fuel. This is reported by
Dongbeiwang, a partner of TV BRICS.

The firing process takes 78 hours and endows the products with unique regional characteristics as well as golden and icy hues.

At temperatures above 1000 °C, a natural layer of glaze forms on the surface of the products, which gives each piece a special artistic touch.

The loading of the products is the most important stage of the process. It takes several days in spring and autumn and up to ten days in summer and winter, depending on the temperature. The craftsmen place the clay pieces on stands according to a carefully planned layout.

When the kiln is loaded, the door is closed and the firing process begins. Before firing, a ritual of worship is performed to the god of the kiln as a symbol of respect for nature and local culture. The firing lasts for at least 78 hours, during which time the craftsmen monitor the temperature, add fuel and split the wood. After the kiln is finished firing, it cools for a few more days.

Shangjing gold pottery was included in the 2019 edition of Renowned Artists and Exquisite Wares section of the Encyclopaedic reference book to Comprehensive Research on Chinese Tea Ware compiled by the China Arts and Crafts Association.

It is the only pottery from Heilongjiang Province included in this book.





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