Participants of the XIV India-Russia Business Dialogue discussed trends in economic interaction between the two countries



Participants of the XIV India-Russia Business Dialogue discussed trends in economic interaction between the two countries

The aim of the forum is to promote partnership relations between Russia and India⁠

The XIV India-Russia Business Dialogue was held in Moscow. The purpose of the forum is to promote co-operation, establish partnerships and explore ways of growth and mutual benefit between the two countries.

The event was organised by the Indian Business Alliance (IBA), the Department for External Economic and International Relations of Moscow, the Moscow Centre for International Cooperation, the Business Council for Cooperation with India and Roscongress. TV BRICS is the forum’s media partner.

Ksenia Komissarova, Editor-in-chief of TV BRICS, moderated the session “Creating Synergies: Transport Management, Logistics and E-Commerce Integration.”

It was devoted to logistics and transport management, integration and e-commerce perspectives. The session discussed the import and export dynamics between the two countries and looked at how different industries can be harmonised to form a single economic landscape.

In an exclusive commentary to TV BRICS, Sammy Kotwani, Indian Business Alliance President (IBA), said that 796 people had applied to participate in the forum this year. He also spoke about the steady trends that can be highlighted in the economic interaction between Russia and India.

“We are successfully co-operating in the field of pharmaceuticals, textiles, energy. The most important sector of co-operation among those mentioned is pharmaceuticals. Indian companies can play a very active role in the production of medicines”

Sammy Kotwani Indian Business Alliance President

Udaya Bhaskar, the Director General of the Pharmaceuticals Export Promotion Council of India, said which pharmaceutical industry projects Russia and India should look at.

“IIndia and Russia to work together in the active pharmaceutical ingredients area and clearly the biological signal to the vaccines and the complex generates and biosimilars,” he emphasised.

Honorary Consul of the Russian Federation and Director of the Russian House in Trivandrum Ratish Nair, mentioned the prospects he sees in Russia-India cultural relations.

“Next year we will be celebrating the 150th birth anniversary of Nicholas Roerich, a famous artist who was very fond of Indian culture, traditions and soul. He used to say that where there is culture there is peace, and where there is peace there is culture. Such forums are very necessary today, Indian businessmen should know the new Russia and its opportunities in this sphere,” said Ratish Nair.

The XIV India-Russia Business Dialogue brought together representatives of business, heads of federal ministries, agencies and constituent entities of the Russian Federation, development institutions and public organisations.

During the event, the participants discussed ways to develop business co-operation between the two countries in the sectors of energy, technology, manufacturing and agriculture.





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