Russia expands areas of pilot project on changing vocational education levels
Russian government has included 11 new areas of training, among them maths, history and state and municipal administration, in a pilot project to change the levels of higher education.
“In Russia, the pilot project to change the levels of vocational education continues. Now the list includes new areas of training in which will be carried out within the framework of the “pilot”. Among them: mathematics, computer and information sciences, physics and astronomy, biological sciences, information security, agronomy, state and municipal management, religious studies, advertising and public relations, linguistics, history”, stated in the message.
The pilot project includes 124 directions of training. They include specialities of architecture and construction, geology, oil and gas business and geodesy, informatics, economics and management. This is reported by the official
website of the Russian Government.
The implementation of this programme started on 1 September 2023, and it will continue until the end of the 2025/26 academic year. The essence of the project is the transition to new levels of higher education: basic, specialised, and professional – postgraduate programme.
The terms of basic higher education are from 4 to 6 years, master’s degree – from 1 to 3 years (depending on the direction of training, speciality and/or profile of training or on the specific qualification, branch of economy or social sphere). Specialised training means Master’s degree, residency and assistantship-internship.
The pilot project implementation involves 6 universities: Kant Baltic Federal University, Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI), National University of Science and Technology (MISIS), Moscow Pedagogical State University (MPGU), St. Petersburg Mining University, Tomsk State University (TSU).