Expedition of volunteers of the programme “Russian Language Ambassadors in the World” tp leave for Cuba on 17 September



Expedition of volunteers of the programme “Russian Language Ambassadors in the World” tp leave for Cuba on 17 September

The Republic of Cuba is a strategically important partner of the Pushkin Institute in cross-cultural communication issues⁠

The international volunteer programme “Russian Language Ambassadors in the World” is a new format of humanitarian volunteering, development of international youth cooperation in the interests of promoting the Russian language, Russian education and science in Russia and abroad and has been implemented by the Pushkin State Institute of Russian Language since 2015 with the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

The information partners of the expedition were the International Media Network TV BRICS and Eurasia Today.

The Republic of Cuba is a strategically important partner of the Pushkin Institute in cross-cultural communication, stimulating research of young Russians, and maintaining interest in the Russian language and culture. In the period from 17 September to 13 October 2023, an educational expedition of the programme “Russian Language Ambassadors in the World” to the Republic of Cuba is planned in order to:

– support the dissemination of the Russian language in Cuba;

– support the activities of Cuban organisations where the Russian language and subjects in Russian are taught;

– develop cultural cooperation (as an important component of Russian-Cuban interstate relations);

– develop cooperation between Russia and Cuba in the field of culture in the spirit of parity, mutual trust, tolerance, and mutually beneficial cooperation, including exchanges and cooperation in the interests of enriching the peoples of the two countries.

Two Russian language Abassador volunteers and one methodologist-organiser, who is a leading teacher of the Pushkin State Institute of Russian Language, will conduct lessons for Cuban schoolchildren and students. All lessons have been developed by methodologists of the Pushkin Institute, take into account different levels of Russian language skills. They are aimed at developing interest in the Russian language and culture, and are held in a game form in the form of master classes, quests and creative tasks.

With the organisational and informational support of the University of Havana, during four weeks volunteers will conduct classes for students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages of the University of Havana, as well as for schoolchildren of the University’s partner educational organisations. The international volunteer programme “Russian Language Ambassadors in the World” is a new format of humanitarian volunteering, development of international youth cooperation in the interests of promoting the Russian language, Russian education and science in Russia and abroad.

The programme promotes the foreign policy course of the Russian Federation on the development of partnership relations with other countries, as well as the introduction of mechanisms for using volunteer forms and involving young people in volunteer activities.

Russian Language Ambassadors not only introduce Russian country studies to foreign children, but also get acquainted with the traditions and customs of foreign countries, which contributes to building an effective dialogue of cultures.

Over the eight years of the programme, more than 48 thousand schoolchildren and students from Russia and foreign countries have participated in the educational activities of Russian Language Ambassadors.

Every year volunteers travel to foreign countries with educational and enlightening expeditions and give their love for the Russian language to schoolchildren and students living in different parts of the world.

Photo: istockphoto.com




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